Periodontal Treatment

Think you may need periodontal gum treatment? Periodontal disease, or more commonly known as gum disease, is an ailment that negatively affects the soft tissue surrounding your teeth. If left untreated and allowed to get worse, periodontal disease can lead to tooth loss as well as putting you at a higher risk of having a stroke or heart attack. For the most part, gum disease is not painful, so many people have it but do not know. Wondering if you have gum disease? Visit our periodontist today!
Periodontal Gum Disease Treatment
Plaque build up on your teeth is a huge factor in getting gum disease. As the sticky and colorless film builds up on your teeth continuously, it can start to irritate the gums. The gums can become swollen, tender, red and sensitive.
When gum disease is starting out, it is called gingivitis. It is estimated that around 50% of the population has gingivitis. With a proper daily oral hygiene routine, you can reverse gingivitis. Brushing twice a day, flossing once a day and using an antibacterial mouthwash can help fight and reverse gingivitis.
If untreated, gingivitis advances to gum disease/periodontitis. At this point, the gums start to separate from the teeth which allow pockets to form in the space between the teeth and gums. After bacterial plaque gets trapped in these pockets, it infects the area. This may not cause pain or irritation, but can cause many undesirable side effects.
Visit Our Periodontist
Using specialized tools and techniques, we can clear the bacteria from the pockets and help fight periodontitis. Think you may need periodontal treatment? Schedule an appointment for periodontal disease treatment with us today!
Schedule your Treatment
In addition to checking the health of your teeth and gums, your dentist can also check for any early signs of oral cancer. Early detection of oral cancer increases survival rate, and dentists are leading the charge to screen all their patients. Schedule an appointment for dental cleanings & exams with us today!