Minor Tooth Movement and Alignment

Many people will have one or two small issues with alignment in their teeth. It might feel like a waste to fully invest in braces for just a few minor fixes. Luckily, there are treatments to assist with minor teeth alignment issues. Small gaps in the teeth benefit the most from minor tooth moving treatments. Think you may need minor tooth moving? Let us know!
Pre-Examination for Movement and Alignment
To ensure the treatment is a good fit for you, your dentist will conduct a thorough examination. There will also be a few important questions to ensure that you can benefit from this treatment.
- Will the minor movements or gap closing cause any bit problems to occur that were not there before?
- Are the roots in a good enough position to be able to be moved? X-rays will be used to ensure they are.
- Has the gap or movement been caused by involuntary movements of the tongue? This is sometimes harder to fix.
- Is the gum part of the reason for the gap between teeth? If so, an additional procedure to remove it will be necessary.
- Are the surrounding teeth and gums in good health?
If your teeth alignment needs are minor enough and meet the necessary criteria, we will use a minor orthodontic retainer and small elastics to facilitate the movement of the teeth into their proper position.
Schedule your Alignment
In addition to checking the health of your teeth and gums, your dentist can also check for any early signs of oral cancer. Early detection of oral cancer increases survival rate, and dentists are leading the charge to screen all their patients. Schedule an appointment for dental cleanings & exams with us today!