Without proper daily oral care, very quickly a cavity can form. Once that cavity forms, your body is unable to repair it on its own. However, it is very likely that you will be able to save your tooth without requiring an extraction. There are many ways that your dentist can repair the damage done to your tooth. Unfortunately, though, in some cases, a tooth extraction will be necessary. We will discuss in this article the situations in which a tooth extraction is necessary as well as when it is not.

When Your Tooth Can Be Saved

If you begin to feel pain in your tooth, or sensitivity, it is very likely that a cavity has formed and that damage is being done to your tooth. This is one of the reasons why it is important to visit your dentist every six months. By the time that you are feeling pain, the cavity has already been present in your mouth for a while. If you see your dentist often, however, you can catch the cavity before it become serious.

For cavities that are caught early, a simple dental filling can be done. This involves killing the bacteria, removing the plaque and damaged parts of your tooth, called pulp, then filling the empty space with a small filling made out of a material that you choose.

For damage that is more severe, different techniques may be necessary. This may include a root canal procedure, and a subsequent dental crown.

When Your Tooth Must Be Extracted

There are some extreme cases in which the infection from the cavity causing bacteria has reached your tooth root and caused so much damage that the nerve has died and can no longer support a living tooth. In this case, the tooth must be extracted and should be replaced with a false tooth.

If you have any questions regarding how to replace an extracted tooth, please give us a call today.